Samuel Programming and Design, Inc offers in-house or contract CNC Programming using the latest and licensed CATIA V5 software.
We also offer on-site CATIA V5 Training. Companies are just now starting to realize the benefit of switching to this amazing new software. We can make this transition easier. We can come to your company and teach your programmers to become CATIA programmers. Our instructor has years of experience in CATIA, and is very detailed and easy to understand.
Samuel Programming and Design offers training tutorials in the form of a DVD. You can now familiarize yourself with this great software from the comfort of your own home. The tutorial contains three DVD’s that cover designing solids and surfaces, assembling models, drawings, toolpath (prismatic machining) and real life sample programs (advance machining). It will lead you thru all of the critical material needed to successfully create any 2D as well as 3D solid models important to any design, architectural, or service industry. It has been designed to accommodate any level of learning, whether you are a beginner or an advanced; this will be a great tool for any programmer to have. Our tutorial can be purchased for a low price and get you started quickly in the learning process. Please see CATIA TUTORIAL Section for more information on how to order you copy today.
Cmm arm scanning is essential when precision and detail are necessary in any reproduction process.
By utilizing measurements acquired by the cmm, we are able to rapidly reproduce the given object into a mesh, nurbs surface, or cad model.
3D data has a tendency to be quite large and unusable in most entertainment production pipelines. We provide not only scan data, but can produce production ready models to be used in game, film, and multimedia projects.